TRF House of Software (under construction)

(the Sagittarius Teapot from xsky)

What's Here

There are three useful function libraries here, timer-service, symboltable, and command-line.


timer-service is a library that creates multiple simultaneously-running timers from the single-timer Unix alarm(3) library function.

More information may be found in the timer-service blurb.

Get timer-service (gzip)
Get timer-service (compress)


symboltable is a library that implements a set of symbol table primitives designed for nested-scope languages. The user creates the actual symbol structure, and symboltable manages the nested scoping and manages each scope's symbol table as a binary tree with key computation done by the user.

More information is available in the symboltable blurb.

Get symboltable (gzip)
Get symboltable (compress)


command-line is a utility and library that allows easy creation of command-line parsers with hooks to semantic processing routines. Command languages may be defined by a simple grammar, or the utility can generate parser tables by being fed all possible command lines.

More information is available in the command-line blurb.

Get command-line (gzip)
Get command-line (compress)